Kendisi revisited,” In Peter Arkadiev, Ivan Kapitonov, Yury Lander, Ekaterina Rakhilina and Sergei Tatevosov (eds.) Donum semanticum: Opera linguistica et logica in honorem Barbarae Partee a discipulis amicisque Rossicis oblata, 263–271. LRC Publishing, Moscow.

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The present contribution follows up on Rudnev 2011, which, in turn, was based on a presentation I gave in Barbara Partee’s semantics class in the spring of 2008. It is for this reason that I omit most of the arguments for the pronominal nature of kendisi and present a formalisation of its semantic properties based on Partee 1983 and Elbourne 2008.

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I’m Pavel Rudnev, and this is my personal website. I’m a research fellow and lecturer in linguistics at HSE University in Moscow. My main area of interest is syntax and its interfaces with sound and meaning. In particular, my current research revolves around the structure of nominal expressions, agreement, case and verbal morphosyntax in East Caucasian languages, and the syntax-to-phonology mapping in Russian Sign Language.



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