June 3, 2016

Abstract: This paper discusses a previously neglected disjunction strategy in Avar (NE Caucasian), whereby each disjunct is accompanied by a morphologically complex disjunction marker =nigi yet the disjunction is not interpreted exclusively, unlike the reduplicated discontinuous disjunctions like soit_soit in French.

The disjunction marker is exponentially identical with the particle attaching to indefinites and turning them into polarity items: šib=nigi ‘what=POL (ie someting/nothing)’ as well as the marker of concessivity that attaches to verbs. In this paper I attempt to unify the approach to particles developed by Wiltschko (2016) with the analysis of particle float in Avar (Rudnev 2015).

This is a talk presented at the 37th installment of TaBu Dag, an annual general linguistics conference organised by the University of Groningen, 3rd June 2016.


I’m Pavel Rudnev, and this is my personal website. I’m a research fellow and lecturer in linguistics at HSE University in Moscow. My main area of interest is syntax and its interfaces with sound and meaning. In particular, my current research revolves around the structure of nominal expressions, agreement, case and verbal morphosyntax in East Caucasian languages, and the syntax-to-phonology mapping in Russian Sign Language.



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